At GDPS Bag NZ, we use 16 oz washed canvas as one of our main materials to ensure high-quality bags. Canvas bags offer numerous advantages:


Durability: The 16 oz washed canvas is thick and robust, withstanding daily wear and tear. Whether for commuting, traveling, or daily use, canvas bags are a reliable choice.

Eco-Friendly: Canvas is a natural material that is kind to the environment. Choosing a canvas bag means you enjoy fashion while contributing to environmental protection.

Versatility: Our canvas bags come in various styles suitable for different occasions. Whether for work, study, or outdoor activities, canvas bags meet your needs.

 Easy Maintenance: Canvas bags are easy to clean and maintain, keeping them looking great. Here are some simple tips for cleaning and maintaining canvas bags:

  1. Cleaning: Hand wash the canvas bag with warm water and mild soap. Avoid using bleach or strong detergents to prevent fabric damage.
  2. Drying: After cleaning, lay the canvas bag flat to dry, avoiding direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  3. Storage: Keep the canvas bag dry when storing it and avoid damp environments to prevent mold.

Choose canvas bags from GDPS Bag NZ and enjoy the perfect blend of style and functionality.


June 24, 2024